


38 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 38 products

Triangle was born in France, in Soissons where it develops and produces its renowned loudspeakers. Speakers that meet the highest standards in research, development and production.

In France alone, TRIANGLE was awarded 21 Gold Diapasons thanks to the quality of sound reproduction of its speakers which manage to embody the beauty and emotion of music.

TRIANGLE's mission is to allow you to listen to music with intensity, as if you were at the center of the concert. This requires a dynamic and lively sound that conveys all the subtlety and beauty of a musical composition.
From the very beginning, TRIANGLE has made technological research and innovation its main priorities, with the aim of offering music lovers natural sound of the highest quality.

An enthusiastic team of engineers and technicians, constantly striving for improvement and innovation, is part of what makes TRIANGLE loudspeakers unique. Each component is engineered, TRIANGLE continually invests in the latest technology to innovate and improve its acoustic proficiency. A Klippel system is used to conceive and simulate the loudspeakers. Modern prototyping tools, 3D printers, the latest CAD software, as well as MLSSA and CLIO measurement systems allow the company to put theory into practice.

Showing 1 - 36 of 38 products
Triangle AIO 3Triangle AIO 3
Triangle Triangle AIO 3
Sale price€381,65 Regular price€499,00
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Triangle AIO TwinTriangle AIO Twin
Triangle Triangle AIO Twin
Sale price€619,65 Regular price€729,00
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Triangle LN01ATriangle LN01A
Triangle Triangle LN01A
Sale priceFrom €426,00 Regular price€449,00
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Triangle Borea Active BR02BTTriangle Borea Active BR02BT
Triangle Triangle Borea Active BR02BT
Sale price€502,00 Regular price€529,00
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Triangle BOREA BR02Triangle BOREA BR02
Triangle Triangle BOREA BR02
Sale priceFrom €335,00 Regular price€380,00
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Triangle BOREA BR03Triangle BOREA BR03
Triangle Triangle BOREA BR03
Sale price€456,00 Regular price€480,00
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Triangle BOREA BR07Triangle BOREA BR07
Triangle Triangle BOREA BR07
Sale price€680,00 Regular price€960,00
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Triangle BOREA BR08Triangle BOREA BR08
Triangle Triangle BOREA BR08
Sale price€1.102,00 Regular price€1.160,00
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Triangle BOREA BR09Triangle BOREA BR09
Triangle Triangle BOREA BR09
Sale price€1.301,00 Regular price€1.370,00
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Triangle BOREA BRA01Triangle BOREA BRA01
Triangle Triangle BOREA BRA01
Sale price€408,00 Regular price€430,00
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Triangle Tales 340Triangle Tales 340
Triangle Triangle Tales 340
Sale price€399,00 Regular price€420,00
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Triangle THETIS 300Triangle THETIS 300
Triangle Triangle THETIS 300
Sale priceFrom €655,00 Regular price€690,00
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Triangle THETIS 340Triangle THETIS 340
Triangle Triangle THETIS 340
Sale priceFrom €807,00 Regular price€850,00
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Triangle TITUS EZTriangle TITUS EZ
Triangle Triangle TITUS EZ
Sale priceFrom €450,00 Regular price€740,00
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Triangle COMÈTE EZTriangle COMÈTE EZ
Triangle Triangle COMÈTE EZ
Sale priceFrom €550,00 Regular price€930,00
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Triangle ANTAL EZTriangle ANTAL EZ
Triangle Triangle ANTAL EZ
Sale priceFrom €998,00 Regular price€1.850,00
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Triangle Triangle AUSTRAL EZ
Sale priceFrom €1.798,00 Regular price€3.250,00
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Triangle VOICE EZTriangle VOICE EZ
Triangle Triangle VOICE EZ
Sale priceFrom €350,00 Regular price€520,00
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Triangle 40TH anniversary COMÈTETriangle 40TH anniversary COMÈTE
Triangle Triangle 40TH anniversary COMÈTE
Sale price€1.425,00 Regular price€1.500,00
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Triangle 40TH anniversary ANTALTriangle 40TH anniversary ANTAL
Triangle Triangle 40TH anniversary ANTAL
Sale price€2.850,00 Regular price€3.000,00
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Triangle Triangle SIGNATURE THETA
Sale price€3.220,00 Regular price€3.390,00
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Triangle Triangle SIGNATURE DELTA
Sale price€5.595,00 Regular price€5.890,00
Triangle Triangle SIGNATURE ALPHA
Sale price€7.305,00 Regular price€7.690,00
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Triangle Triangle SIGNATURE RANGE
Sale price€1.795,00 Regular price€1.890,00
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Triangle Magellan 40th DUETTriangle Magellan 40th DUET
Triangle Triangle Magellan 40th DUET
Sale price€5.595,00 Regular price€5.890,00
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Triangle Magellan 40th CELLOTriangle Magellan 40th CELLO
Triangle Triangle Magellan 40th CELLO
Triangle Magellan 40th QUATUORTriangle Magellan 40th QUATUOR
Triangle Triangle Magellan 40th QUATUOR
Triangle Magellan 40th VOICETriangle Magellan 40th VOICE
Triangle Triangle Magellan 40th VOICE
Sale price€2.992,00 Regular price€3.150,00
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Triangle S02Triangle S02
Triangle Triangle S02
Sale price€151,05 Regular price€159,00
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Triangle S04Triangle S04
Triangle Triangle S04
Sale price€255,00 Regular price€269,00
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Triangle SECRET ICT4Triangle SECRET ICT4
Triangle Triangle SECRET ICT4
Sale price€94,05 Regular price€99,00
Triangle SECRET ICT5Triangle SECRET ICT5
Triangle Triangle SECRET ICT5
Sale price€113,05 Regular price€119,00
Triangle SECRET EMT7Triangle SECRET EMT7
Triangle Triangle SECRET EMT7
Sale price€141,55 Regular price€149,00
Triangle SECRET ICT8Triangle SECRET ICT8
Triangle Triangle SECRET ICT8
Sale price€208,05 Regular price€219,00
Triangle SECRET IWT7Triangle SECRET IWT7
Triangle Triangle SECRET IWT7
Sale price€170,05 Regular price€179,00
Triangle SECRET IWT8Triangle SECRET IWT8
Triangle Triangle SECRET IWT8
Sale price€189,05 Regular price€199,00

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